We know the improvements we make on the bathrooms are critical to selling the home. One of the baths in the Midcentury home is a retro beauty in near perfect condition, so the choices here are easy. The black and green tile is attractive, so this week we met with bath tub refinishers that will be able to match the color of the green tub. We have found a black replacement toilet. The floor tile can be cleaned, and the walls can be painted. Once this work is complete, this room will be good to go.
However, the small bath that adjoins the master bedroom is another story. The tile, while it is in great shape, is, well, not so pretty. Do we pull it all out and do a near complete makeover? Do we refinish it? We have some quotes and are scratching our heads about what would be best for the home and its potential buyers.
We are also trying to figure out how to update the entry. This is a bit of a puzzle, so, we have called in the troops. John's sister Melinda, who is an avid HGTV watcher with great ideas, came to visit for the holiday weekend, and we enlisted her fresh eyes for help. Yesterday, she and I took photos of the exterior and started searching through our favorite resource, Pinterest, for ideas. Together, we may have found the right solution that incorporates design features from the home's exterior, is functional and adds curb appeal. Stay tuned as we work through options.