Spring 2017


April 23, 2017

Since taking the photos, the house was thoroughly cleaned. This afternoon we will complete most of the touch ups, do a bit of staging and take photos. I can say, with confidence this time, that we will be hosting open houses next weekend. If you have been following these postings, have pre-qualified with financing and are interested in seeing the home later this week, drop us an email at johnbakerhomes.info@gmail.com. 

April 22, 2017

We are almost there. All we lack are touch ups and a bit of finishing on the exterior. So, for those of you who have been following our progress, here are a few sneak peak photos. The bits of blue tape you see in each mark places that still need a bit of attention--mostly touch up paint. Whew. 

Coming Soon!

April 16, 2017

The electrical service work has taken longer than expected, as can be the case with an older home, delaying once again the finish. So, after nearly three weeks of stops, starts and waiting, plans are on for an open house next Sunday.

Once again, this project has been a learning experience for us, both professionally and personally. We are determined to offer a well-constructed home -- convenient, efficient, safe, functional, and attractive -- one we would be happy to live in. We believe we are hitting these marks. Thank you for following along. 

During the coming week, we will link this page to the new listing page, prepare all the sales materials and post the property on Zillow. If you have suggestions or ideas, please email your comments to johnbakerhomes.info.com. 

We are also looking for next property. If you know of one...

And Happy Easter to you all.

Change of Plans

April 9, 2017

Yes. We have an electrician--the trade that has been evading us for the past three weeks. With all the wind damage from the recent storms, it has busy time for electrical service work in Memphis. We hope, with our fingers crossed, that this work on our home will be complete by the end of the week and we can host an open house on Saturday. Because we will be celebrating Easter next weekend (How did we miss this in our planning?) there will not be an open house on Sunday. If the work is not completed, we will have to push back one more time.

Drive by 1060 Philadelphia if you would like to take a peek from the street. We look forward to inviting you inside soon.


April 2, 2017

One of the last items being finished is the courtyard outside the kitchen and, as with our other properties, we have worked to make the area functional as well as attractive.

The area is enclosed by a 6’ tall fence with an 8’ gate facing the street. As this is the only access to the back yard, we have filled the area with gravel and built two 6’ x 8’ wooden platforms to lay on it. (See the photo from the March 19 entry.) This way, there are solid areas for outdoor furniture, but they can be flipped up in the if there is a need to drive through this space. If desired, there is also space behind the fence gate for secured parking.

Using gravel also enables drainage, keeps trees alive because their roots have not been covered with an impervious substance, like concrete.

Pretty and practical. Easy to maintain. We are all about this.

Progress continues, and the punch list is whittling down. As is often the case, things look worse just before they get better, so I am holding off on posting photos. Nevertheless, all looks to be on track for our April 15 and 16 open houses.

In the Details

March 26, 2017

Hi ho, once again to Lowes (and Home Depot, and Floor and Decor, and Pittman Glass, and All Rite Plumbing Supply, and Eubanks Lumber) we go. Once again, we spent our Saturday night picking cabinets and carpeting that will be used in the home. Last night we chose new house numbers and bathroom hardware, among other things.

As in the Marne home, we are paying close attention to lighting. One of the bedrooms faces east and has wonderful morning light. The hallway will have fixtures that can be used to show off a home photo gallery.

Reality checks in as the items on the multi-page punch list are taking longer to accomplish than expected. At this point, we have to set our impatience in wanting to be finished aside. It is important that we focus on being thorough, using lessons learned from the work on our previous houses, and taking time to do the project right. We know this will payoff in the long run. So, once again, we are pushing the open houses back a week and look forward to welcoming potential buyers in on April 15 and 16. Look for more photos next week.


March 19, 2017

The house is moving on as the plumbing fixtures were installed and tile was grouted. The fencing went up and gravel was spread inside the area outside the kitchen door that will become the small courtyard. This will be such a nice feature for this house, and will accommodate how people in this neighborhood live. 

Next week the electrician will be on site to upgrade the wiring and add in new lights. Once this is done, the major parts of the renovation will be complete and we will be working down the very long punch list to get the home ready for the April 8 and 9 open houses. 

This home has an industrial feel, and we are working to preserve this in the finishes.

Beautiful Bathrooms

March 12, 2017

The new tile work in the bathrooms is almost complete, and it is lovely. Our new subcontractor not only did a wonderful job, and it was so nice to be around both him and his wife. She joined him--assisting and keeping him company while he worked. The new tile man was recommended by the floor installer, who was also a pleasure to work with. He worked late into the night -- prepping, cutting, sawing as he put the big puzzle that would become our floor together. 

We were fortunate to find them. As we progress, we are building a team of subcontractors who are craftsmen. I have a great respect for these trades and the time invested in learning to do them well.

Long ago, I listened to a report from a journalist about his time flying with a very seasoned airplane pilot. He commented about how the pilot's skill showed in the use of his hands. I though about this report as I watch the wood floors and the tiles were put into place by these craftsmen. Their hands were quick, sure and very practiced as the tiles were laid and the flooring was fit and nailed. The results are just right.

Yesterday we made a detailed punch list of items to finish and scheduled out the rest of the work to be done. Based on this, we are pushing the Open Houses to April 8 and 9. 


Do, Done, then Redo

March 5, 2017

The good news -- the bamboo flooring is almost installed. The bad news -- we have to rework the shower surround for one of the bathrooms. The good news -- we have someone new coming in to lay the tile today. Also, today we will finalize our kitchen appliance choices and pick out bath and kitchen fittings. With good luck, this week we will be able to enclose the back and side yards, creating the court yard just outside the kitchen. Even with the hiccups, this home is coming together so nicely.

Yesterday, John and I climbed around in one of my family's barns, (yes, I grew up on a farm) to find the right piece of wood for the mantle. We placed it last night, and, with a bit of trimming and sanding, it will be just perfect. 

The Next Phase

February 26, 2017

Now that most of the carpentry and major painting is done, we will install the floors, finish the lighting and complete the bathrooms. We have chosen a bamboo flooring with a distressed finish for the main public rooms and hallways. Carpet will go in the bedrooms, and period-appropriate tile will be laid in the two bathrooms. Kitchen cabinets became a challenge as several of the ones we had chosen were out of stock. We went to Plan B, which turns out to be a better choice in the long run, but delayed the measurements for and installation of the countertops.

We hear lots from people wanting to blow out walls, and they often comment about how they would like to do projects like these. HGTV does indeed make it look glamorous. What you don't see are the very early mornings and late nights (I am talking weekdays outside at 5 a.m. and 28 degrees, Sunday mornings at 6:30 a.m. and Saturday nights until 11 p.m.) spent finishing a project.

Is is worth it? I must admit, we really get a charge when a project comes together and people compliment the work. 

Our best guess is that the house will be ready to put on the market March 18 or 25. We hope to put the "Coming Soon" sign out once the fencing in the yard is up.

It's so Exciting

February 19, 2017

Now that the kitchen cabinets are mostly installed, some of the paint colors are up and the rest of the finishes have been chosen, you can really begin to see how the home will live. Spaces that were once awkward and dark now seem inviting. This is the point that I become anxious to finish as we are so close--kind of like a kid waiting for Christmas.

Imagine with me...

February 12, 2017

if you will...stepping from the side door in the kitchen to an enclosed little courtyard. You snip a few herbs that are growing near the door and use them to season something delicious you have just placed on the grill. Perhaps a small fountain is here, providing just the right background for the friends who have gathered on a warm spring evening.

This is what John and I had in mind when we decided to enclose the north side of the yard with a 6' fence and add a doorway to this area from the kitchen. Doing this will allow a previously neglected space to be easily used.

Even though the house is a bit of a mess (as you will see in the photo), I am not complaining as our plumbing subs worked hard over the weekend.

We hope to install kitchen cabinets this week. Tomorrow we will pick out the countertops. This will drive several of the final color and finish choices. 

Whoa Nellie

February 5, 2017

This house is moving fast! Our sub-contractors are on it. The sheetrock for all the ceilings is up and has had two coats of mud. Most of the framing changes have been completed, meaning we will be able to start interior painting this coming week.

At 6:45 a.m. last Friday, we met with the plumber to finalize the placement of bath fixtures. This was important as we adjusted the layout a bit and caught a couple of potential problems.

What has amazed me most about this project is how changing floor plan has made the house feel so very different. Now that most of this work has been done, the house just seems bigger and the spaces no longer seem awkward.

This was accomplished by adding a partition wall at the back door to give the back bedroom more privacy and to allow us to add a laundry area close to outside access. By closing up one of the three original openings to the kitchen, the house can accommodate a very functional u-shaped kitchen. We also opened up a wall to improve the flow from the main living area. Closing the existing hallway door to the original bath and opening an entry to this bath from the front bedroom enabled us to create a MBR suite. The new bathroom, located in an former little nook, will open directly onto the hallway and will be just steps away from the laundry and the back bedroom.

Such nice flow.

One expects surprises in renovation projects, and this week brought a big one. After pulling up, and in some cases chiseling out, the many layers of linoleum in the den and kitchen, we discovered that the subfloor in the kitchen needed to be replaced in many areas and that big chunks of the hardwood floor in the den were missing. (Now we know why it was covered up.) We had planned to refinish the wood in the den and use a pattered vinyl composition tile floor in the kitchen, but this discovery caused us to back up and scratch our heads. So, after deliberating flooring choices, we have decided to use part of the contingency budget to add bamboo flooring these areas and continue it through the hallway out to the back door. While not what we had originally planned, it will be beautiful and functional.


So many questions

Jan. 29, 2017

What can we keep? What do we want to keep? What must we keep to preserve the character? What should we add to make the home functional and livable? What can we do within our budget and time constraints? After these questions are answered, others follow. What is pretty; what is handsome? What finish choices will stand the test of time?

I find this part of the process delightful. There are so many possibilities, coupled with challenges. In this particular home, we have found several layout solutions that will allow for better flow and function. We have sited space for a second bathroom, a true plus for homes located in this neighborhood. We had also figured out how to make a master bedroom suite, add in a small laundry area, make the kitchen more functional, create a better flow for the living areas, and add bit of outdoor living space. It makes me happy just thinking about these changes. (I did not realize the scope of improvements until I wrote them!)

Here photos from the demolition that took place last week.

One of the first items on our list was to get rid of the pop corn ceiling. Rather than scrape it off, we have chosen to add a layer sheet rock. Most of it is now in place. We have also opened up the area between the den and the kitchen and pulled back carpeting to replace and repair plans.

I am now on to making finish choices that will support and enhance all these decisions. The photo up top shows our kitchen table last Friday evening after our outing to gather material samples.

And yes, we went to Jerry's Sno Cones afterwards. We dined in their new party room, and this time we tried the almond-flavored wedding cake. Yummy.

Time to make decisions

January 22, 2017

Going into our projects, we consult with an appraiser to understand what people are looking for in a particular area so that our improvements and our pricing are in alignment with the market. Using this, we establish our budget. We are in the process of gathering quotes from subcontractors and vendors and completing an overall construction scope and schedule. Using what we learned on the Marne project, we hope to have this home completed by April 1. We will see how close we come. Follow along with us; we will start posting photos next week.


January 15, 2017

This is important time in a renovation project. We visit the home and try to imagine what one who would be interested in living in the property would find important. While each place has its own vibe, there are also common practical considerations that require attention. Where will the broom be kept? Can furniture be comfortably arranged? Are there enough outlets, and are they in the right locations? Is there enough storage? (Or, perhaps, is there ever enough storage? These are the things we are thinking through at this moment. 
     After today's open house on Marne, we walked through the property--our ears and heads being full of comments from potential buyers. We will use them as we complete the designs.

Here we Go again...

January 8, 2017

We closed on our next project just as we are completing our work on 185 Marne. Over the last few weeks, we have been walking through the property with our appraiser, our realtor and, most importantly, those who represent the market we believe would be interested in the home. They have shared their thoughts with us and there are lots of ideas in play at present--opening up the living area, adding in a second bath, adding in a laundry area. Sometimes the homes yield nicely to these uplifts; let's hope this is the case.